The Bentham Association is delighted to announces the 2009 Presidential Address and Dinner on Wednesday 18 March 2009.
The evening includes a cocktail reception, the presidential address, and a three course meal, wine, coffee and petits fours. It is a non-profit making event, and isagreat opportunity to catch up with oldfriends and have some fun. Please be sure to tell us who you would like to sit with at dinner so that we can help you can make the most of your evening.
We would love to see as many of you there as possible however there are only a limited amount of places so please do book your places soon.
Welcome DrinksSouth Cloisters
Presidential AddressGustave Tuck Lecture Theatre
Better that a horse should have a voice in that House [of Lords], than thata judge should (Jeremy Bentham). Replacing the Law Lords by a SupremeCourt.Lord Pannick QC
DinnerJeremy Bentham Room
How to Pay for your tickets: There are two ways to pay for your ticket:
by credit card - via the secure Google Checkout server (NB. Google Checkout does not accept Amex)
by cheque - to pay by cheque select the 'other payment option' at the bottom of the order now page and click the 'pay by cheque' option.
Let your friend from UCL know about this event:Please forward these event details (
http://bentham-dinner-2009.eventbrite.com) to other UCL graduates whoyou think might be interested in attending and/or friends who may have changed theiremail addresses recently.
Organized by UCL Law FacultyThe Faculty of Laws at UCL has a world-class reputation for research, and has been rated by the UK government in the highest categories for both research and teaching.
We value research not only in contributing to the quality of our teaching and the supervision we give our students, but also in its contribution to the development of law and its influence on legal practice and public policy.
The Faculty was ranked 2nd in the UK by The Times Good University Guide (subject table: Law) in 2008. UCL is ranked 7th in the World University rankings.
Ticket Info: - UCL Graduates, pre-2005, £52.50
- UCL Graduates, 2005 - 2008, £45.50
- Guest Ticket (non-UCL graduates), £52.50
Official Website: http://bentham-dinner-2009-upcoming.eventbrite.com