16th Bharat Nirman Awards 2009. Bharat Nirman An institution established by Lt. M.C. Bhandari in 1980, since its inception, has been bestowing due honours & felicitations to various women personalities and high end celebrities & record achievers from diverse disciplines, careers & field of activity. This glorious institution has also highlighted & recognized budding talents in various walks of life. Every year the Bharat Nirman Awards Ceremony following the established conventions, traditions and practice honours and Confers Awards on 10 successful Ladies, 1 Lifetime Achievement & 4 Institutions all in certain area of activity & work that have made outstanding contribution in various fields like Literature, Music/Dance, Television/Films, Education, Legal Services, Social/Welfare Services & Entrepreneurship and others.
Official Website: http://www.buzzintown.com/?113131&ref=yupg&refcity=2
Added by buzzintown india on June 11, 2009