801 Minnesota St. #8
SAN FRANCISCO, California 94107

come join the hat factory coworking collective as we watch some excellent 16mm educational films from the days of yore!

we'll be digging into our extensive 16mm archive and bring out a couple of the gems, some of these classics include:

- science films acquired from the california academy of the arts
- an anti-drug film
- nasa news reel of the apollo moon program
- a classic mental health film from the 1950's
- more!

reminisce with us as you listen to the soothing sound of the projector under the warbling voice of the narrator. learn cool new things about topics you didn't realize you should know! be warned about the evils of reefer.

when: wednesday, march 21 @ 7:30pm
where: the hat factory
801 minnesota street #08, san francisco, ca
20th street & minnesota (dial #08 at the buzzer)
why: because it'll be fun!

Official Website: http://www.hatfactory.net

Added by lorelei on March 16, 2007



oh cool! easy commute.