From its roots fifteen years ago, with a handful of skilled artists taking their mastery from the canvas to the streets, the Youth In Arts Italian Street Painting has grown into the largest – and finest -- street painting festival in the United States. Featured artists fly in from around the world to join their local counterparts in a once-a-year showcase for the over 60,000 visitors, who watch in awe as the grey asphalt of downtown San Rafael is magically transformed into a colorful, larger-than-life canvas. Over the course of two days, hundreds of Madonnari (street painters) create their chalk masterpieces in a tradition which began on the streets of old-world Italy centuries ago. The Youth in Arts Italian Street Painting Festival has become renowned as a feast for the eyes, ears, and soul-- featuring daily entertainment and a wide variety of Italian food and fare. This year’s theme of Celebrating the Spirit of Youth will be reflected in many of the artists’ squares…on none other than Father’s Day weekend.
Artist: Rod Tryom
Photo by: Joy PHOENIX
Added by hamiltonink on May 28, 2008