2275 Platt Rd.
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104

Sacred Song, a multi-ethnic choral group, sings both a cappella and with accompaniment on guitar, flute, bass, keyboard, banjo and percussion. Since 1995, the group's annual December concerts have affirmed the values of social justice and spiritual inclusiveness.

Members include local favorites: LaRon Williams, D. Yarrow Halstead, Robin Wilson, Gae Winn, Laura Machida, Faye Askew-King, Barb Stahler- Sholk, Edie Lewis, and Cassandra Compton-Montgomery. We are especially fortunate during this year’s fifteenth anniversary concert to have previous members of the Sacred Song community returning to participate in the event. Jeanne Mackey, Lisa Bashert, Don Allen, Mary Wilson, Dale Petty, Rhonda Bantsimba, Kathy Moore, Lori Fithian, Julia Bayha, Sam Clark, Joe McDonald, Craig Kukuk and A.T. Miller

Part of our mission is to donate all proceeds after expenses to a local social justice organization. This year's beneficiary is: SOS Community Services, Inc., 101 S. Huron St., Ypsilanti, MI 48198, (734) 485-8730. www.soscs.org. SOS provides services to people who are homeless and to help prevent people from becoming homeless. Their Mission: "To respond with care and respect to families in need by working in partnerships that result in economic, family, and residential stability.”

Tickets are available at the door or leave a message at ohenewah49@gmail.com to have pre-sale tickets held at the door for you.

Added by mackster on November 11, 2011