Bangalore, Karnataka 560001

IPFA 2007

14th IEEE International Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits
July 11 – 13, 2007
Bangalore, India

The 14th International Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits (IPFA 2007) is organized by the IEEE ED/SSC Bangalore Chapter in co-operation with the IEEE Reliability/CPMT/ED Singapore Chapter and IEEE ED/AP Chapter Bombay. The Symposium is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Electron Device Society and IEEE Reliability Society.

The Symposium will be devoted to the fundamental understanding of the physical mechanisms of device failures and issues related to device reliability, especially those related to advanced process technologies. The Technical Programme Committee is inviting papers related to (but not limited to) the following areas:

• FEOL (Gox Breakdown, NBTI/PBTI, Hot Carriers etc.)

• BEOL (Cu and Al Interconnects, Low-k and Ultra-low-k, Stress Migration and Electromigration etc.)

• Packaging (Flip Chip, System-on-chip, SIP, etc.)

• MEMS (Devices and System Reliability, Packaging, Structure Reliability Analysis)

• Novel Device Architectures, Design, Processes, and Characterization (SGOI, FinFET, Nanowires, CNT, etc.)

• Advanced Instrumentation or Methodology for FA

• Advances in Reliability Evaluation in Process (Methodology for Novel New Devices, Build-in Reliability, Wafer Level Reliability),

• Reliability Approaches in Design (Design for Reliability, Design for Yield, etc.)

The symposium is a 3 day event comprising of 1 day TUTORIAL on topics of relevance to device design and reliability and FA, followed by a 2 day CONFERENCE, where in papers of technical excellence will be presented. The event also will have a 3 day EXHIBITION of various analysis equipments.

For more information and submission of abstracts (two page extended abstracts) - contact IPFA07 Secretariat at


15 January 2007 Submission of Summary and Abstract

13 March 2007 Notification of Paper Acceptance

12 May 2007 Submission of Final Manuscript

For details on IEEE IPFA visit the web site:

Official Website:

Added by PARTICLEREDDY on December 27, 2006