Sunday, October 29th 2006
14th Annual Wiccan Samhain Ritual and Spiral Dance
Maritime Labour Centre
1880 Triumph Street-at Victoria Drive
Ritual at 7:00pm. Doors open at 6:15pm. No Latecomers admitted.
Tickets $10-$20 (cash only please)
Tickets available at:
Little Sister’s 1238 Davie Street , Vancouver
Urban Empire 1108 Commercial Drive , Vancouver
Dragonspace 6-1551 Johnston St , Vancouver
For more info:
SAMHAIN: (aka Hallowe’en) “is the New Year of the Witches-we who practice the ancient, earth based Goddess traditions. This is the time when the veil that divides the worlds of the living and dead is thin. It is a time of power. We remember those who have died and we welcome the newly born. We dance the spiral pattern and raise energy we need to realize our visions of healing and social change.”
I have attached our Principles of Unity.
Blessed Be
Samhain 2006 Committee
Official Website:
Added by lindabeet on October 25, 2006