275 Larkfield Road
East Northport, New York 11731

This is one of Wizards' most popular classes!! ALL of the students from the previous 13 Moons Class loved this class so much they chose to move on to the Advanced Wizardry Class!

This class has been completely revised and enhanced. It features printed workbook, home assignments, in class working sessions, a formal graduation and certificate of achievement (upon satisfactory completion of course requirements) and more! There is... truly nothing like it available anywhere - except WIZARDS in East Northport!

This is NOT your garden variety Wicca 101 program or merely a 'how to be a witch' course. The material covered in these sessions is about energy manipulation and spiritual power - NOT religious or tradition-specific teachings. Those who have enjoyed this class in the past are from all walks of life and traditions - Christians, Jews, Wiccans, pagans, atheists, agnostics. This class has been the best supported and loved of the classes offered here at Wizards.

We begin at the beginning, the foundations of power, and progress step-by-step past the basics you might find in 'metaphysical' texts. Gradually, the class takes you to a higher, powerful, spiritual awareness that leaves you balanced, empowered and enabled to progress on YOUR unique path of choice.

Whether you're a novice or an advanced student, you will discover this course to be of exceptional quality and value.

There are 13 sessions, corresponding to each of the 13 moons of the lunar year. The classes are approximately two weeks apart and the course can be completed in roughly six to seven months. Each session is approximately 2 to 2 1/2 hours long.

The true wizard is said to be a wise man or woman. Those who are wise among us in the ways of nature and spirit have a distinct advantage in life. They are in a position to be a great force for goodness and healing for themselves and others.

Learn the ways of the wizard and how you can align yourself with true power by learning your rightful place in the grand cosmic scheme of things.

True wizardry is not dark, evil or harmful in any way. To the contrary, high moral standards, responsibility toward ourselves, our neighbors and the world in general are emphasized. There is no religious bias in this class as it is about re-acquiring a natural flow of energy and renewing a spiritual connection to our environment. This class is not about your religious beliefs.

Don't miss this course taught by Qumran, an experienced practitioner and teacher of REAL magick, wizardry and energy work.

Note: This class is suggested for ages 13 and up. Students under 18 must have a parent's WRITTEN permission.) Although, this program is wholesome and appropriate for ALL ages, students under 13 may have difficulty understanding some of the material.

Fee: $25 per Session 13 Sessions in all.

Official Website: http://www.wizardsonlinestore.com

Added by Wizards on January 14, 2011