Erzsébet tér 7-8.
Budapest, Budapest 1051

Dear Colleagues,

CELCC has a long and successful history. The main aim of CELCC meetings is to educate oncopulmonologists working in the region and, moreover, offer them an opportunity to present the results of their scientific and clinical work. Therefore, we invite leaders in thoracic oncology to participate and suggest others involved in the field submit abstracts of their proposed presentations. The CLCC was last held in Budapest ten years ago, and its success then and over the past years has encouraged us to organize this event again. Our beautiful capital city and its cultural richness will provide an excellent backdrop, and our plans to combine a high level scientific program with superlative performances of classical musical will ensure a rewarding and enjoyable experience for all.

We look forward to welcoming you to Budapest to the XII. Central-European Lung Cancer Conference.

Gyula Ostoros

President of CELCC12

The forthcoming meeting will cover the following scientific topics:

  • Epidemiology and prevention of lung cancer in Europe

  • Predictive and prognostic factors

  • Molecular diagnostics

  • Role of surgery in the complex anticancer treatment

  • Targeted and cytotoxic therapies

  • Palliative and supportive therapies

  • Others

Conference information provided by

Official Website:

Added by on December 16, 2009