2225 Colorado Blvd.
Los Angeles, California 90041

$5 suggested donation*
Kids 12 and under FREE
Your support helps keep the festival independent

The Soft Pack * OFF! * Nosaj Thing * Darker My love * Gaslamp Killer * Geneva Jacuzzi * The Egyptian Lover & Arabian Prince * Nobody * Blank Blue * Lucky Dragons * Santa Cecilia Orchestra * LA Vampires * Sun Araw * Shinehead * The Submarines * Seasons * Rainbow Arabia * Ras G * Free The Robots * Ellen & Matt * Chicano Batman * SAMIYAM * Daddy Kev * Nocando * MAHSSA * Wait.Think.Fast * Walking Sleep * Monstre * Hi Ho Silver Oh * Dr. Who * Nervous Gender * Speculato * D-Styles * Earthworm Ensemble * Toys That Kill * Manhattan Murder Mystery * Downtown/Union * Radars To the Sky * Moses Campbell * DJ Hashim * Frosty * La Bestia * The Highbinders * Asura & Ana Caravelle * Tygerstrype * The Dustbowl Revival * matthewdavid * Take * Dibiase * Frankel * Teebs * Drunk on Crutches * Jonwayne * Bonee Musique Zydeco * Erik Ekstrand * Joe Johnston Band * Honeybreath * Pay The Man * ERHS Latin Jazz * Fidlar * Handski * Mut!ny * Driven * Vertigo Road * Ann Likes Red * Harvey Drive + 4SCoRE * Erica Lake & Paul Jacques * La Santa Cecilia * TIm Yalda * Wacko * SASSAS Sound Shoppe * The Funky Slippers * Remake/Remodel *
Co-Curated Stages by:
Dublab * FYF Fest * Low End Theory * Kingsize Soundlabs * The Ship Studios * Razorcake * Zocaloc * KOXY *

*no one turned away due to lack of funds

Official Website: http://www.centerartseaglerock.org/

Added by la-underground on April 14, 2010