ruby -e 't=0; until(t==1234567890) do t =; puts t; sleep 1; end; puts "Yay!\n"'
Official Website:
Added by jpick on February 9, 2009
Awesome idea! You've inspired me:
Awesome. I love how this came together after a single tweet.
Why is the term "beer" not included in the code shown above?
1234567890 is a celebration of the purity and unity of Unix, and all the unix-based systems since that have spurred a revolution of free and open flow of information.
@Rolex PV Because we want to provide equal opportunities for drinking Scotch!
Well, doesn't that sound like fun!
I'm just around the corner... I'll come join you guys for an early afternoon Scotch.
watch -t -n1 ' echo "$((1234567890-`date +%s`)) seconds remaining"'
We're going to party like it's 1234567889!