1220 E. Hill St.
Signal Hill, California 90755

Have you ever wanted to learn Self Defense? This is your perfect oportunity! 360 Combat Club is offering a new program that teaches you Self Defense with in a 12 week period. The class meets on Mondays and Wednesdays at 8pm and Saturday at 9am(optional).

Sign ups begin now classes starts September 13 at 8pm

-Learn Self- Defense Techniques for common attacks
-Feel more confident and assertive
-Introduce yourself to the world of self-defense
-Gain situational awareness
-Learn how to disable your attacker by utilizing your strength against your attackers weaknesses.

Spaces is limited contact us to reserve your spot
or johanna@360combatclub.com

36 classes for only $299! until August 31, 2010

Added by jo 360 Combat Club on August 16, 2010