PO Box 220
Atlanta, Georgia

Join us for a once in a lifetime to see WIMBLEDON in LONDON, ENGLAND, then sightsee galore in London and nearby London! This is a very very exciting opportunity!

Stay in the same centrally located 1st class hotel during your whole stay in merry London, England! Our visit to London and the cities near London will include Dinner & A Show in a famous London Theater, London Luxury Dinner Cruise, London City Tour, Jack The Ripper Tour, and Dinner at The Famous Albert Pub, Oxford, Shakespeare’s Stratford & Warwick Castle Tour, exciting London Eye Flight, Medieval Banquet Dinner & Show!, Greenwich, Leeds Castle, Canterbury, Dover & Cream Tea Tour and a London Showboat Dinner Cruise! All together this will be your Wimbledon, Highlights Galore marvelous British vacation!

Deposit for only $350pp* required to reserve your space * Full Payment is Due by April 28 - May 23, 2008

Official Website: http://www.luxurysinglestravel.citymax.com/page/page/4699575.htm

Added by Travelgirl7 on April 8, 2008

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