2418 Benjamin Dr
Mountain View, California 94043

The top expert speakers, coaches, and consultants all have books. If you want to move your practice to the next level, you need a book.

In this workshop:

* You will define your target audience
* You will define the unique gift you have for your readers
* You will define the name of your book
* You will know what to do next
* You will break through the barriers that have been keeping you from producing the book you've been dreaming about!

In addition, I will teach you:
* An unparalleled tool for dredging your deep thoughts and wisdom from your unconscious
* The technique for making the actual writing fast, easy, and predictable--that makes you immune to "writer's block"!
* How to hone your book's structure to a fine point, with the help of a "diamond"!

And--you'll know what to do about publishing!

So what are you waiting for? I've taken the price as low as I can, but write to me if you need help.

I look forward to meeting you!


Official Website: http://www.meetup.com/JoelTrainsAuthors/events/101813952/

Added by FullCalendar on March 5, 2013

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