699 Bellevue Avenue
Oakland, California 94610

The 11th Annual Walk to End Domestic & Teen Dating Violence will take place on Saturday, October 13, 2012 from 9AM-2PM at Lake Merritt. This Walk, a benefit in support of A Safe Place - the only comprehensive domestic violence shelter in Oakland, is designed to raise awareness about the impact domestic violence has in the community; raise awareness amongst teens about the dangers of teen dating violence and sexual harassment; and raise funds to continue providing life changing programs and services to victims of domestic & teen dating violence.

Honorary Co-Chairmen of the Event are Supervisor Keith Carson, Alameda County Board of Supervisors - 5th District along with radio personality and community activist DJ Davey D. Both gentlemen have been longtime supporters of A Safe Place and its mission to break the cycle of domestic violence.

This year's Walk includes a Community Resource Expo which is an opportunity for local businesses and nonprofits to promote their products and/or services to the community while supporting A Safe Place. In addition, A Celebration of Life is being planned to showcase performers from the community as a way to pay tribute to victims and survivors of domestic & teen dating violence.

For over 30 years, A Safe Place has provided victims and their children with supportive services to break the cycle of violence in their lives.
There are many ways for the community to support this Walk and A Safe Place. Sponsorship opportunities are still available; local businesses and nonprofits can sign up to participate in the Community Resources Expo; register as fundraising walkers and/or as volunteers on the day of the Walk.

For more information on how to get involved including sponsorship and tabling opportunities, contact Alex Arteaga, aarteaga@arteagacoltassoc.com or call the 11th Annual Walk to End Domestic & Teen Dating Violence Hotline at (510)859-8111.

Official Website: http://asafeplacedvs.org/walk

Added by FullCalendar on September 30, 2012

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