248 E 5th St
New York City, New York

A personal message from Daniel M. Johnson A.K.A. The Untouchable DJ Drastic

"Your honorable presence is requested to join me, Daniel M. Johnson also known as The Untouchable DJ Drastic to celebrate the anniversary of my birth in New York City on Saturday November 07th 2009. I would like to personally embrace & thank every single person that has supported me throughout the years in both my personal and professional lives worldwide at this intimate preview engagement. Without you all, I am nothing in this life. Last but not least, R.I.P. to my brother Hani Hasweh. I dedicate this engagement to his memory and the memory of all that we’ve lost in 2009.”

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Saturday November 07th, 2009

The Official Preview (New York) Birthday Celebration for
Daniel M. Johnson A.K.A. The Untouchable DJ Drastic

21+ (ID Required) | Doors Open @ 10:00PM (EST)
Casual Attire (No Athletic Wear or Hats]

Hosted & Guaranteed Live DJ Set By
The Untouchable DJ Drastic
[Returns To United States Fresh From Japan Tour]
(Spinning an Eclectic Mix of Hip Hop, R&B, Dancehall, Reggae, Latin, Pop, & Rock)

(249 E. 5th Street at 2nd Avenue New York, NY 10003)

Complimentary Admission before Midnight | $10.00 after Midnight

Sponsored Giveaways All Night Long Courtesy of
EMI | Sony BMG | Universal Music Group | VP Records | Warner Music Group
Tag Body Spray & Many More

For all inquiries including bottle service, press and/or media inquiries, etc. contact
Marissa Gutierrez @ (702) 560-1050 or TCNManagementGroup@gmail.com

Powered By
Liv Live Entertainment | The Coalition Network (TCN²) | The BumSquad DJz Worldwide

Official Website: http://www.TheUntouchableDJDrastic.com

Added by DJDrasticNYC on November 6, 2009