Corner of Petaluma Blvd South and D Street
Petaluma, California 94952

The Petaluma Progressive Festival will mark its 10th anniversary with headline speaker Jim Hightower, national radio commentator and world-renowned author of Thieves in High Places. Music, local speakers and a new play by The San Francisco Mime Troupe will round out the day. Sponsored by the Petaluma Progressives, the popular event, free to the public, gets underway in Petaluma’s Walnut Park at noon on Sunday, September 30, and is expected to attract up to 2,000 participants.

Added by ConnieMadden on September 13, 2007



We love this festival! Old friends from Berkeley, San Francisco and around Marin and Sonoma show up for our speakers and to keep in touch. Fantastic networking for political activists.


I LOVE this festival! I became vegan 4 yrs ago due to this festival and I am so glad I went with my friend sean, who is vegetarian.
It is a great place to learn! To not be ignorant and to expressyourself....listen to speakers and buy some Anti-bush shirts!
thank you progressive!