W Sixth and State Street
Erie, Pennsylvania 16501

Assemble at the Zone Dance Club, 133 W 18th St, Erie PA at noon for March. Step off at 1 PM and proceed down State St to Perry Square for Rally at 2 PM. The Rally itself will feature speakers, entertainment, vendors and much more. The event is being organized by Erie Gay Pride, Inc. We encourage folks to register online at http://www.eriegaynews.com/pride/register.php so that we know how many to expect. Contact: Brian. Phone: (866) 229-1974. Email: eriegaypride@gmail.com. Browse to http://www.eriegaypride.org.

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of EriePAGuy.

Added by EriePAGuy on May 24, 2008

Interested 1