1303 High Street
Alameda, California 94501



These informal, weekly gatherings are for anyone in the local music community to discuss topics of interest. There's no official agenda - people ...are encouraged to share ideas and opinions that will benefit the community at large. Interesting business opportunities are welcome as long as they don't dominate the discussion. Feel free to stop by and introduce yourself anytime during the hour and a half. There is no charge for this engaging, real-world social networking event.
Alameda, CA - Tuesdays (every other week Feb 7+), 10am
Petaluma, CA - Tuesdays (every other week Jan 17+), 10am
San Rafael, CA - Wednesdays (without fail since 2008), 8:30am
San Francisco, CA - Thursdays, 10am

If you would like to host one of these in your community, just let us know and we'll help you arrange and promote it.

Also join our Local Music Vibe, Bay Area: Musician Opportunities & Networking Events Group


Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=329092117126204&set=o.95231825623&type=1#!/events/169373033163481/

Added by 200pockets on February 20, 2012

Interested 1