FIRST & THIRD MONDAY of Every Month @ 7pm - FREE
* Guest Curated by Nathan Kensinger *
Shorts Program
Directed by Meghan O'Hara

4 min - 2008 - USA - English
"Meghan O'Hara's experimental documentary "Bloodsucker" takes a unique look at the collateral damage caused by California's massive foreclosure crisis. Like O'Hara's earlier work, the film blends a dense soundtrack with carefully composed shots to create a story from disparate elements."
Feature Program
Directed by Ilya Chaiken

96 min - 2007 - USA - English - Color
"Brooklyn filmmaker Ilya Chaiken's
Liberty Kid is a powerful character study set in the streets of Brooklyn. Mainly filmed in a five block section of East Williamsburg - where many of the actors and extras came from - Liberty Kid is a great piece of Brooklyn independent cinema. The film is a surprising and subtle story about two young men trying to survive after losing their Statue of Liberty jobs due to 9/11."

FIRST & THIRD MONDAY of Every Month @ 7pm FREE !
Brooklyn Independent Cinema Series
Barbes - 376 9th St (at Sixth Ave)
Park Slope, Brooklyn
subway: F to Seventh Ave
Official Website: http://brooklynindependent.com