100 Friends hosts an elegant soire of culture, exploration and indulgence at PRIMITIVE, Chicago's largest collection of artifacts, furniture and objects from around the world, featuring an in-house Fantasy Himalayan Temple.
A fine selection of appetizers and cocktails courtesy of Fox & Obel will please the palette and African-influenced reggae from Opposition Party will provide their sweet sounds. Guests can explore other worlds while learning of 100 Friends
admirable work, perusing the three floors of Primitive's space andcharting the unknown withfortune tellers, magicians, palm
readers and more...
Adam will also indulge us in a
video exploration of his latest philanthropic adventures to Africa,
where he is busyaiding unequipped schools, medical clinics, destitute
families and efficiently-run local projects.
Learn more at: www.beprimitive.com. and www.100friends.org$95 in advance, $110 at the door.Press passes available. Please contact Amy or Adam.
Organized by 100 Friends: Adam Carter and Amy Solomon
Ticket Info: 100 Friends Soiree Attendee, $97.38
Official Website: http://100friendsatprimitive-upcoming.eventbrite.com