214 State Capitol,
Atlanta, Georgia 30034

A United Voice for Change - A Day of Empowerment & Motivation

To kick off its Women's Empowerment Weekend, the Stone Mountain-Lithonia Chapter of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc. (NCBWSML) will conduct its first Coalition of Advocacy Day Summit - A United Voice for Change - A Day of Empowerment & Motivation - in Atlanta Georgia at the Capitol Friday April 10, 2009 from 9am to 3pm. This awareness campaign will bring over 100 women from across the metro Atlantaarea to meet with their elected officials and to urge their support for affordable and accessible healthcare, quality education for all children, and tangible solutions to eradicate Metro Atlantas high foreclosure rate.

The purpose of this day is to educateattendees in the state legislative process and to open the dialogue betweenmembers and legislators regardingissues that affect the African American Community.

This one day awareness summit will allow women to meet with legislative leaders from their districts to discuss issues and give elected officials an opportunity to understand that the Coalition of 100 Black Womenis a viable African American organization that brings substantive and legitimate issues to the Georgia General Assembly for its review and consideration. This Summit will allow women from all facets of life to become viable participants in the political process, says Rep. Dee Dawkins-Haigler (HD 93) who is a member of the Stone Mountain Lithonia Chapter of the 100 Black Women and one of the organizers of the event.

Talvia Peterson, an Independent Executive Sales Director with Mary Kay and also an organizer of the event, agreed. Community members must be bold and fearless in confronting the issues that concern women of color and children, and work to effectuate change. This Summit will guide them through the process.

Registration is $15 per person and includes lunch and all resource materials.

NCBW consists of more than 7,000 members representing 63 chapters in 24 states and the District of Columbia. The mission of NCBW is the development of socially conscious female leaders who are committed to furthering equity and empowerment for women of color in the society at large, improving the environment of their neighborhoods, rebuilding their communities and enhancing the quality of public and private resources for the growth and development of disadvantaged youths.
NCBWSML is an advocacy organization dedicated to bringing voice to the issues that concern women of color and children. For further information, contact Wendy Miller, Public Relations Chair at 404-551-5437 or pr@ncbwsml.com.

Organized by Stone Mountain-Lithonia 100 Black Women (NCBWSML)
The Stone Mountain-Lithonia Chapter of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc. (NCBWSML) is an advocacy organization whose mission is to provide educational, professional, and social resources to the communities in which we live and work.

Ticket Info:  100 Black Women Day at the Capitol - Women's Empowerment Weekend, $15.00

Official Website: http://ncbwsmldayatcapitol09-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 19, 2009

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