Huua..?! 100 billion dollar$..?!Most possibly this would be the 1st reaction of most of People.Clarification : This figure is an estimate projection of money produced by Internet World Bank and distributed among its shareholders, employees, customers and business associates. If you feel difficulty to belive on it at 1st attempt, it is suggested toattend this event.Vision* No person in the world should be helpless to contact anyone, anytime, anywhere for various needs of their Life & Business. Mr.World Introducer with association of millions of 'Introducers' will play the role of an "Introducer" to every pair of('Mr.A' & 'Mr.B') strangers of 6.7 billion people.** No person in the world should feel helpless to say that he is less fortunate to prosper and progress in hisLife, because of... (a) "He is not having needful money and resources"; or because of... (b) "The person to whom he is willing to contact is a high profile dignitary"; or because of...(c) "Not able to contact with the creator of his fortune (God)" or because of... (d) "So many, so many ofother reasons". Now, suchdifficult situation should not further continue any more ! There will be an immediate help & support from thousands of "Online Guides &Helpers" (Introducers)7x24x365 availableworldwide.Mission*To create"World's Central Database Hub" on Internet comprising of every single Person except... (a) Criminals: because they would not like to list themselves; (b) Beggars: and (c) 'Those' -who still live in remote areas, jungles & villages and world Businesses -where all they can contact to each other anytime, anywhere by their hidden email, hidden telephone or mobile, sms, fax, postal address and personal visitto further progress and happiness in their Life & Business.So... what is this event all about..?8 Big Inventions & Inventors:-1. BulbThomas Edison2. Law of universal gravitationSir Isaac Newton3. First Engined AirplaneOrville Wright & Wilbur Wright4. ComputerSteve Jobs & Steve Wozniak5. Internet & World-Wide-WebTim Berners-Lee6. Diners Credit CardFrank McNamara7. TelephoneAlexander Graham Bell8. SoftwareBill Gatesand now...9. Answer/sand Solution/s to 'Luck & Destiny'
by Infoscientist Nawal Kumar RoongtaBefore event statement :Frankly speaking... I need a minimum 10 hours or 100 pages to tell the shortest brief of all about. So, it isnot anyhow possible to condense & explain the whole content of "all folders & files in my memory" here in just few lines.To experience 'That Total Stock' you will need to attend the live event which can not be replaced with any other communication method. However, I will try my best to put the precise summary of whole thing packed into 9 key points given here below :-1. Just think for a moment... "All People in this world becomes statue or sleep for one hour".What will left behind..? Animals, Birds, Mountains, Sea, Rivers, Jungles and so on. Industries, Businesses and all men-made-activities will completely STOP.So, the fact comes out is... "This world is running by 'People' ".2. Since this world is running by the People, So the very simple yet big question is..."Where is the database of all People..?"; "Where is the database of all Business..??" "Where is the database of... ???" and so on...hundreds of thousand subject & objects!?3. Questions arised above in point number two, is a polite and sincere warning toPresident of all Countries';World's Big Brains & Think Tanks; Internet Leaders; Fortune 500 companies'CEOs; and every 'She' & 'He'.4. Therefore, I have spent 37 years of my Life to find solutions of it; and therefore developed a blue print as to how... "A minimum of 50% (Balance 50% in 2nd & 3rd phase and so on...) of worldpopulation & world business database can be produced and networked on Internetin shortest time.5. The next another big question is... "Every person in the world has top 5 desires & top 5 problems". If these top 5 desires of every person are being fulfilled at right time..? If these top 5 problems of every person are being solved at right time..?? We all know better... that the honest & immediate answer to both above questions is..."NO". So, with the help of Internet, Telephone, Mobile and all other tools of communication andinformation resources; We are to find answer of these 5 questions; and solve these 5 problems of every person.6. I, Nawal Kumar Roongta, An Infoscientist('we' as a company) is/are decided & prepared to be an instrument to produce a minimum of 100 billion dollarsto its presenting company and distribute this amount among itsshareholders, employees and customers. If, at 1st attempt, it seemsimpossible and unbelievable, the only simple solution is... "You needs to attend the event to experience and believe it".7. I ('we' as a company) am decided and prepared to be an instrument to produce more happiness and comfortin the lives of 6.7 billion People with the help of every ''She' & 'He' to each other. Are you ready..?Most hopefully, I believe your answer is... 'Yes'. So, let us have a personal visit at the event.8. Who should attend this event..?* Information Technology Leaders* Banks & Financial Institutions* Venture capital Companies* Fortune 500 Companies* Internet Entrepreneurs * Insurance Companies* World's Top & Best* World Billionaires* MasterCard* Visaand* You (who is now reading it) and every) He & She- who has passion and interestin 'Innovative Ideas', 'Business Networking', 'Social Networking' & 'People Networking'.9. Have question or suggestion..? Contact:Nawal Kumar Roongta Internet Research World GroupWorld Trade Center, Mumbai, IndiaEmail : nkroongta @ gmail .comMessenger : Skype: Infoscientist
Internet Research World Group
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