北京环境交易所、BlueNext、国家发改委能源所和美国环保协会联合组织去美国和坎昆的考察团,时间为12月3日到12月19日,考察团名称为“碳路 ---直击坎昆联合国气候大会暨美国碳市场考察 ”。 考察团将于12月3日从北京出发,先去旧金山,接着去芝加哥拜访,将于12月7日上午从芝加哥乘飞机到坎昆,接下来三天(12月8,9,10日)将在坎昆参加会议和会见来自全球碳市场的重要参与者。12月8日,将在IETA会场举行一场“COP16边会 ---中国碳市场会议 ”。在坎昆之后,将会飞往纽约和华盛顿,进行机构拜访和召开会议。将于12月13日在纽约证券交易所举办“中美碳金融会议 ”。
本次参团人数预计20人左右,成员为政府官员,环交所领导班子,环交所会员单位及其他能源机构、金融机构。本次考察主题围绕自愿减排、区域减排、碳金融 和碳试点 四个方面。在美国期间,将会拜访美国重要政府部门、 金融机构和NGOs;在坎昆期间,将会预定专门场地,会见来自全球碳市场的重要参与者,如碳基金、碳资产管理公司、DOEs、大型能源企业和碳市场专家等。美国和坎昆期间见面的客户均是公司集团总部的高管和专家。
China Beijing Environment Exchange, BlueNext, US EDF as well as Energy Research Institute of National Development and Reform Commission are organizing the delegation to USA and Cancun from Dec 3rd to 19th, the delegation’s name is “Carbon Road–Spot on Cancun COP16 & Insights into USA Carbon Market”.
During the delegation, we will cover San Francisco, Chicago, Cancun, New York and Washington D.C. Besides, there will be 2 events to be held: COP16 Side Event --- China Carbon Market Conference in Cancun on Dec 8th and China-US Carbon Finance Conference in New York Stock Exchange on Dec 13th.
The expected number of the delegation is around 20 and the delegation members will be comprised of 3 categories: local governmental officials, CBEEX staff and our member companies like energy companies and financial institutions. We will visit and receive important governmental officials, influential NGOs and famous financial institutions.
活动网站: www.cbeex.com.cn/carbonroad/
联系人: Celion Rao 饶淑玲
电话: +86 – 10 - 6629 5570
邮件: slrao@chex.com.cn
网站: www.cbeex.com.cn
Added by chinadialogue on September 27, 2010